Thursday, February 28, 2008

Easy Does It

Today, I played with Z in the round pen. I'm really focusing on pampering her RBI ways and give her LOTS of time to respond to me. We need to develop our cantering at Liberty - she doesn't stay at a canter very well. I can't decide if it's a footing issue in my pen, which is graded downhill and excessively soft sanded on the down hill side, or if she just says "Ugh, this is dumb". I was glad to get a full lap of cantering and we will continue to develop on that.

I also started playing with getting her to do a full-turn on the rail at liberty. Once she was facing the rail in the turn, she was sure I intended for her to go sideways. It took a few times, but she started to figure out I was asking her to continue turning on the haunches until we were faced the same way again. She licked and chewed each time. I waited for it. Yay for us!

I really need to video tape some tasks and send them. Maybe I can get Steve to help me this weekend with that. Good stuff! Having fun.

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