Saturday, October 1, 2011

Fox Run with Gem and Jen

Really nice day with my Jen! We so rarely ride together, it was nice to go out and spend some time. We took it pretty easy and Gem was slow and lazy. I tried to get some forward out of him, but he was just slow and lazy... and slow. I remembered how much I adore Z today. :-)

I helped Jen out with trot diagonals and straightness on a circle. I think she enjoyed the new concepts and felt a difference in her horse. Gem and I worked on getting a light depart. Otherwise, he just felt tired to me. I put boots on him after a while because I was wondering if his feet were sore. It helped a little, but really he just didn't have any energy.

Might need to add some supplements to his diet. I'm riding him a lot and asking him for more than usual. He did well today, regardless.


Alice said...

So cool that you have an indoor now! That will give you so many more opportunities this winter. I enjoy reading of your dressage adventure with Gem. Keep up the good work, and best of luck at your show! Hope someone takes pics. :-)

Unknown said...

Alice - great to hear from you! I hope you're feeling settled into the northeast and life is going well. I'm having a great time with this new dressage adventure! It's going to be a great winter. :)