Saturday, April 2, 2011

Cowboy and Zarah

Zarah was quite the RBE today. I decided to do PPL on the property at the trot. That horse is so fast! It seemed to really calm her and after 5 minutes or so, she started to move her feet slower. We then went into the arena to try PPL at the canter and just move her feet more. She calmed way down and I got a great, soft trot that had tons of elevation. Lovely feeling.

Then, I played with Cowboy for Chrissy and tried to help her understand to bring her phases down and start giving Cowboy something to think about. He was very fun to play with! We played with a very subtle send on the circle, some sideways, some falling leaf, and transitions. Then, I hopped on and really focused on the bending/suppling exercise I learned from Josh Lyons. Basically, I ask him to turn until he's soft and supple then go the other way. We did it at the trot and he was really getting better as we went. He's a stiff necked horse and I really believe that's partly why he's so bracey. I offered to ride him a few more times for Chrissy to soften him up and get him moving and partnering. Such a nice horse.


Parelli Central said...

Sounds like you are a busy horse girl. Sorry to hear about the ticket and not being able to use the neighbor hood trails. What a bummer!!!!

Petra Christensen
Parelli 2Star Junior Instructor
Parelli Central

Unknown said...

Spring is here! :-) And yeah, I miss the trails. I'm trailing a lot which is good for the horses. Short, easy rides in the trailer to get to some nice trailheads. Not going to let it get me down!