Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Finishing a program

Another amazing session with Gem! Just, WOW! Huge changes over the past 7 sessions. We played with backing straight to an obstacle until touching it. He was struggling with this a little and now he can back straight until his hock or hoof touches an obstacle!

We played with sending with softness, but with energy. We played with spanish walk, lead by the lip, ear and tail. We played with transitions on line and did lots of zone 5 driving. He's really following my focus when I'm in zone 5 now and I can weave him just a suggestion to turn from behind him. We played with bringing the hind towards OR away, depending on my body language.
He was so, so responsive today and never once gave me the LBI "why should I" response. He was obedient AND playful. Wow!

No time to ride, but I was super pleased with what I was getting on the line. We're ready to go back to the 45' now. Next session, transitions on line and maintain gait on the 45'.

Proud of my gelding!

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