... with my sister and her fiance in town. I got a decent amount of horse time however, and took the two of them out a couple times. I rode Z English so I'd have enough Western saddles since they were beginners and found my English saddle to do surprisingly well for Z. I've been riding her Western for a while because my English saddle seemed to be really making her sore. She actually started to get grey hairs near her withers after a few months riding English. Perhaps I need a wide tree for her.
Anyway, we tended to go slower (to save my sanity!) and make sure Chrissy didn't get too nervous. It's tough when people don't ride much and don't know how much trouble than can quickly get into. I tried to give Kris numerous chances to canter - he liked to move out. The second ride, he rode Jen's Qtr Horse Cowboy. Cowboy is a more forward horse than Rain and Kris seemed to have more fun with him. Rain is very happy to walk or even just stand still, which can get boring. Cowboy was incredibly impressive on the trail with a beginner on his back.
Rain got some good mileage this week, a good thing. Molly said she'd like to see Rain ridden more often for better hoof growth. I'm spending most of my time with Z and Rain is my 2nd mount. Unfortunately, I'm doing all I can. I love to get on the trail and pony horses so that more get exercise, but I haven't done that for a week or so. They'll live... :-)
Today, Steve took Kendall skiing and D went to Winter Park with DU. I had the whole day with Kyle and horses. Kyle helped me with some chores, I cleaned up, exercised and got out with Z. She was a different horse today than usual. She wasn't calm like normal. I started giving her a couple flakes of alfalfa this week and I wonder if it's related. She was also in heat yesterday, so that might be the deal. She pulled back when I tied her, something she's never done. I put her in the stall to get calm again and just sat in my chair. She ran and called for 20 mins to the herd. I tried to be patient and wait for her to settle and come to me. After she did, I spent another 15 mins or so in her stall while she settled more. Then, it was time to go play.
Started on the 45' and played the floating circle game. She did well, went over what was in her way and didn't get emotional. She was pulling to the herd a little and I tried to bring her back mentally when I could. We crossed the teeter-totter many times and then went for the trailer. I sent her in at a trot from about 30'. She still turns around fairly quickly once she's in but she is happy to trot in there from a distance. Yes!
Then, we rode in the arena for quite a while. We worked on serpentines at the trot, Cloverleaf at the trot and then the canter, then cantering on 60 foot circles. I realized today I am much better at riding her canter to the left than to the right. Hmmm... We also worked on feel to the bit, getting her to flex vertically w/o moving her feet. Then we worked on light and straight sidepassing and feeling of me enough to move forward, backward and side to side all without moving her feet. We finished off with Cloverleaf patterns bridleless w/the sticks. We crossed some jumps with the sticks as well. Between Cloverleaf patterns, in the middle of the barrel setup, we also practiced isolation by moving the fore and the hind full 360's. We haven't done that in a while, but she was very good at it like always.
Throughout our session, she pulled to the herd less and less which was very rewarding. By the end, she could walk at liberty back to the barn with me like normal - not how our session started out. Worth noting - she bucked some on the 45' with her saddle. Was that the alfalfa, her heat, or do I not play with her enough with her tack? Another hmmm...
Tomorrow we have weather and Monday I travel for the week. Bummer. So glad I had today. Very happy with Z and will continue to work on the relationship as my top priority.
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