Sunday, March 9, 2008

Musical Horses!

Yesterday, Jen and I met at Hidden Mesa. We both had a good chunk of time to get some trail riding in. It was nice because we're usually in such a hurry.

So, I brought Rain and Z and Jen brought Cowboy. This was his first trail test with us. I rode Z for a moment while Jen got tacked and ready. She was fine and we agreed that I'd ride Cowboy. So, Jen was going to ride Z. We were just riding in the parking lot a bit and I went to grab Rain to pony her. She hated Cowboy. A lot. So I asked Jen if she could pony Rain since Z and Rain go down the trail together like that very often. That didn't work out so great. So, I thought Cowboy would be fine for her to ride, so we switched and started to go down the trail with me on Z ponying Rain and Jen on Cowboy. About 1/2 mile later, Cowboy bucked a little, Jen got off and I tried to pony him off of Z while Jen rode Rain.

At this point, we're about 3/4 mile down the trail. it's been an hour, at least. Each horse has had each saddle on their backs and we're starting to feel a little defeated. We were near the water/bridge crossing and I really wanted to work with Z on the bridge. So Jen agreed to hang out on Rain while I worked on Z's confidence and Cowboy stood tied. That went great - a huge change in my horse with bridge confidence. Time to move on...

So, Z truly hates Cowboy as well. Especially when he's that close to her. So, Jen's thinking we should hang it up. But me, I'm damn persistent and I don't like defeat. I begged her to let me try one more thing. I hopped on Cowboy and ponied Z. Finally, we could cover some ground.

We ended up having a great ride and went about 10 miles. All in all, we were there about 6 hours. It was comical, educational, fun and tiring. A great day!

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